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Louis Vuitton Interview

last edit: 05-Mar-2021
I have just received the interview invitation from Louis Vuitton. It is an on-site interview.

 Anyidea that what I should prepare about the interview and also some background details of the program? 

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1 answers
last edit: 01-Jun-2020
Hello there! LV終點番嚟開波interview啦🔥🔥🔥前面剛剛有問過,唔好介意我重覆🙏🏻

睇番以前做法,反映第一round會係standard HR interview,之後Store Interview (行store + ask question about what you see / observe),最尾就係Final Interview (Group discussion + presentation + individual presentation with senior management)

如果係HR in,基本上無乜特別嘢問,來來去去都係你CV / 有無相關retail experience,睇吓你personality等等。不過今年環境咁變法,真係唔sure會唔會group interview先。如果係,其實一個字講晒都係睇你個人嘅"présentation",無論係outlook定講嘢。反而我覺得有無相關經驗都唔太重要。

去到Store interview,聽講好過癮,例如會問吓你知唔知果件係咩貨,又或者某product點解會擺果個位等,可能有時間去搵間行吓無壞。

唔知最尾係office定store in呢?In完拜托分享我哋知:🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️